Come and celebrate the opening of the 15th edition of the Art Souterrain Festival! 🕺
Art Souterrain invites you to the Exaltation evening, which will inaugurate the opening of the 15th edition of its Festival!
We invite you to an evening of performances, in the heart of one of our exhibition spaces: Place Ville Marie. A great opportunity to discover a preview of this year’s exhibition!
Mediators will be present to welcome and orient you on site.
Programmation :
6PM-9PM – “Open Memory Box”
Screening by Laurence McFalls and Alberto Herskovits, in collaboration with FIFA
6PM-6:30PM – “Building worlds without minorities”
Performance by Ultra K
6:30PM-7:05PM – Naître c’est disparaître
Performance by Nana Quinn
7PM-7:35PM – Ad-Hoc Dimension (excerpt)
Performance by Maxine Segalowitz
7:15PM – Nous sommes tou.te.s des hypocrites
Performance by Raphë [ra—fi]
7:30PM-8PM – Bottommost (work-in-progress)
Performance by Emile Pineault, in collaboration with Baco Lepage-Acosta
7:45PM-8:10PM – This is not moving
Performance by Ariane Levasseur & Rozenn Lecomte
8PM-8:30PM – Ego et cheval : acte 2
Ego et cheval : acte 2 by Léonie Bélanger, Claire Pearl
Sound design by Arthur Champagne
8:30PM-9:15PM – You are my disco! (VIP exclusivity)
Performance by Jacqueline Van de Geer