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Ieda Oliveira is a visual artist, teacher and researcher. Born in Santo Antônio de Jesus, she lives and works in Salvador, Bahia. She holds a doctorate, a master’s degree and a diploma in visual arts from the Federal University of Bahia, the Escola de Bela Artes. Oliveira has an extensive experience in the field of visual arts and has several awards to her credit. As an artist, she has participated in important national and international art events, such as the 26th Bienal Internacional de São Paulo, the III Bienal do Mercosul and the II Trienal de Luanda. She has completed an artistic residency at the Kunstlerhaus, Hamburg and the Taipei Artist Village, Taiwan. She has held international solo exhibitions in Berlin, Munich and Siegburg, in Rio de Janeiro, and at SOSO, Galeria de Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo.